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(803) 334-1219
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Last Updated:
11/27/2015 10:23 AM

Animal Success Stories
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10-08-18: T inkerbell was a stray in Hampton, she completed her heartworm treatment and today found her forever home.  Happy trails Tinkerbell!


4-21-18: Titan was originally HW+ at Aiken shelter, pulled by SAA and finished his heartworm treatment and was adopted. After a year he was returned due to change in owners job. By this time he was a senior gentleman. Today he found a wonderful home!

4-28-18: At his home visit a week later, see how regal and content and loved he is ...


3-31-18: After a long wait in foster, Tasha's people finally appeared and today she found her forever home


2-18-18:  Toby was a stray in North Augusta, SAA pulled him from the shelter and today he found his forever home! Happy trails Toby!


Oct 7 handsome Tony finds his forever home (with his foster)

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